Saturday, April 6, 2013


Indy Savage, cop's daughter, rock chick and used bookstore owner, has been in love with Lee Nightingale, once bad boy, now the man behind Nightingale Investigations, since she was five years old. No matter what ingenious schemes Indy used to capture his attention, Lee never showed an interest and Indy finally gave up. Now Indy's employee, Rosie, has lost a bag of diamonds and bad guys are shooting at him. When Indy gets involved, Lee is forced to help. Complicating matters, Lee has decided he's interested, Indy's decided she's not. But she can't seem to keep Lee out of her life when she's repeatedly stun gunned, kidnapped and there are car bombs exploding (not to mention she's finding dead bodies).

Indy's best bet is to solve the mystery of the diamonds before Lee. Lee's challenge is to keep Indy alive and, at the same time, win back her heart.

Paperback, 412 pages
Published December 8th 2008 by


**Courtney** 5 Stars

So until you mentioned it to me I honestly had never heard of this book. I am so glad you found it!! I absolutely adored it, and cannot wait to catch up to you with book 2!

1) Liam Nightingale. Goes by Lee, but Liam is a beautiful name so I choose to call him that! Bad boy, Special-Ops, Best Friend's Brother, Hotter than the 4th of July....shall I go on. You get the picture. He is it, and Indy has loved/lusted after him her whole life. I loved, loved, loved how honest he was with her and how fiercely he worked to protect her. All Alpha-Male, all the time, that one. Significant swooning for all 412 pages by this girl!!

2) Indy (India) Savage. (You'll notice this book is FULL of nicknames, and they are so fun!) She is the most flighty, dramatic, never-thinking-anything-through person, ever, but it completely works. I loved her the entire time even though I worried her antics could get old eventually. Ashley kept it fresh, clever, and funny and had me laughing out loud on many occasion. Her inner freak outs were hysterical, but with the time frame in which she had to get on the same page as Liam being warp speed, completely understandable.

3) Their friends! Almost every review we've done to date I think mentions somewhere about how much we love a great supporting cast. Rock Chick didn't disappoint here either. My gosh, I easily could've gotten lost in all of Indy's friends, workers, family, Liam's friends, workers, and family (There are PLENTY!) Instead, once again I fell in love, and cannot wait to read through all the hotness that awaits me in the rest of the series (There are 8 so far, I believe!)

4) Tex. Tex definitely gets his own section here. I LOVED TEX!!! He was so funny. We met him the first time on his front porch pulling 24-hour neighborhood watch with his shotgun on his lap, and night vision goggles on his head. Add in big guy with a crazed serial killer look to him (Indy's words, not mine) and you know a good time is to be had by all. Oh, and on top of all that he is a cat-sitter.

Rock Chick made me literally laugh out loud so many times. Love story - check, bad guys - check, hot guys - check, explosions - check, kidnapping - check. It really has something to offer for everyone! Read it, love it!

Favorite Quotes:

I hoped Tex was long gone and calling 911. I feared that Tex was close and planning Armageddon.

"What're you doing? Collecting the straight, super-macho Village People?"

"Very cute pants. You know I'm not fond of flip-flops but they work. Pretty bra but I only say that because I can see every inch of it. Normally, my motto is, if you got it, flaunt it, but with your bazungas, you really got it. You in that top and bra might cause traffic collisions. Are you prepared to live with that on your conscience?"

**Shelley** 5 Stars

Court, I don't know if I found these books or if they found me but, at this point, I don't care how I came to these books, I'm just glad that I have them. 

1) Indy. I love, love, love a strong, independent, sassy woman. This girl has sass. I loved her internal monologues. Even in Indy's most drama filled moments, Kristen Ashley found a way to ease the tension through Indy's hilariously funny thoughts and I just giggled constantly through this book.  In addition to her humor, I loved that Indy was such a good friend--she'd do anything to protect and support the people she loved. I also liked that Indy wasn't so stuck on being independent that she would resist falling in love. When she finally relented and allowed Lee in, it was nice to see that she wasn't so stubborn that she'd willingly live without love just to prove a point. Finally, I loved that she was a Rock Chick and was proud of it!

2) Lee (Liam) Nightingale. He's the founding member of The Hot Bunch. He's an imposing presence. He's a man of few words and many actions. He's a good guy who will get dirty to save another good guy. He loves Indy and let's her be who she is. I love that about him. Swoonworthy.

3) The cast of characters. These guys are the best supporting cast. You have drag queens, best friends, The Hot Bunch, Tex, Duke and many others. All of these characters are what make this novel and all of its shenanigans as great as it is. They enhance Indy's story and add to the humor found on every page.

4) The comedy. Kristen Ashley writes these characters with such humor. I love to laugh and her characters literally had me laughing out loud. She didn't exploit the humor and it didn't diminish what was happening in the book--it's honestly what made this book go from a 4 star to a 5 star review for me.

I'm not gonna lie and say this series is high literature. It's not super-complicated. It's not angsty or the sexiest book of all time. At some point the rest of the series may even become predictable. But you know what? I don't care, I'll read every single one. They make me smile. The characters feel like old friends...and sometimes that's just what I need in a book.

Favorite lines--seriously, I have to pick some??? The entire book. Read it...and weep (with laughter).


  1. This sounds like a really fun and interesting read! I can already tell I'll love Liam! Great reviews! Is it adult or new adult?

  2. Thanks! It is adult. Not the most graphic descriptions out there, but they're there.

  3. Haha! Eric is reading this series right now & loves it! And my friends say that each book gets better. Number four is his favorite. Glad you enjoyed!

  4. I love that Eric reads with you! That is so awesome! & I do love this series too, I bet you will!


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