Saturday, September 14, 2013


Title: Good Intentions (Welcome to Paradise, #2)
Author:  S. L. Scott
Expected release:  September 9, 2013
Genre:  Contemporary Romance
Age Group:  New Adult
Tour organized by:  AToMR Tours
Goodreads: click here
Purchase Links: Amazon | B&N

Book Description:
Two words sum up my summer in paradise: Evan Ashford. 

I have a life back home I must return to, though my heart battles this reality. What started as a carefree summer fling has become so much more. Evan has become so much more. He’s become everything. Cupping his face, I stare into his deep blue eyes, wanting to lose myself once more... needing to know he feels this too.

Although our connection won’t stop the summer’s end from rushing toward us or silence the demons Evan battles, I have faith our love can overcome the obstacles that will undoubtedly arise from us choosing to be together. I still worry… Will our good intentions be good enough? But I’m all in, willing to take the risk, knowing he can destroy my heart if I’m wrong.

Like a riptide, I was forever changed by one woman: Mallory Wray.

Our eyes meet and we spend a moment looking into the others’, reading the fear and the love that mingles within. I move slowly down and kiss her forehead, her nose, her eyelids, her cheeks, and her chin before I kiss her lips again—soft and gentle, not rushed, but sensual. She smiles and I die inside knowing that I won’t get to see her face every day. I’ve been spoiled by this sweet angel giving me all her days and nights. I possessively take hold of her wrists and like so many times before, the air stills as our connection intensifies. I can’t help myself when it comes to her.

I kiss her.

Rain pours down harder and I wrap my arms around her, engulfing her body, her love, her soul.

Our Review:
The first installment of this series gave us a little tease of Good Intentions and I was freaking out. The teaser was intense and I was left to wonder what the hell was going to happen to Mallory and Evan..because it didn't look good; so imagine my suspicion when the first pages were so pleasant. Well...Mrs. Ashford surely changed that quickly and I found myself constantly waiting for her evilness to reappear.

That teaser was certainly rough after the seemingly good ending to book 1. And it gave me major hesitation and paranoia to start the second book! Shel, you definitely had to baby me into this one! Oh yeah...I really dislike Evan's Mom. Majorly dislike. Sunny, Zach, Murphy, and Kate are back with our favorite couple and they are still a great group of friends to read about. They seem so much more put together and grounded than Evan and Mallory, so I hope those two can catch up! 

Meanwhile Mallory and Evan took the majority of the book to work on their relationship with the beauty of Hawaii as their backdrop (this just solidifies my desire to go there!). They had to learn how to trust each other and how to communicate their fears. It made them vulnerable and uncomfortable but soooo relatable.  

Their relationship is so new, and so passionate, that I don't blame either one for being incredibly apprehensive to trust the other. They say the words over and over, but when it comes down to it, actions speak so much louder. I think they're going to have to give time and effort into believing in each other but I did enjoy the rest of their summer in paradise before reality is going to set in and shake things up. 

The last 15% of the novel gave us a look at their lives after Mallory goes back to school in Colorado and Evan ends up in New York. There were some tense moments and I definitely found myself beginning to cringe when both of them were approached by others intent on something more than friendship but I was very happy with how book two ended with the caveat that I hate that they are in two separate states and are miserable without each other. I was breathing several sighs of relief until I read the teaser for book 3 and all I can say is...FML. I hate Mrs. Ashford. AND! I hate to wait...please S.L. Scott write book 3 fast; I cannot wait to see how this story ends.

Yeah, the last part of the book just reminded me how much I hate people in real life who don't care if other people are taken. What is it about wanting something you can't have that is so desirable? Irritating is what it is for me, and I just want these two to stop being so polite and not wanting to hurt other people's feeling and just tell them where to go when they don't listen that they only want to be friends!!! Jumping off the soapbox! I hate Mrs. Ashford. I will stay off my box for her, but I don't think we could get our true feelings across for her even if we replaced every word of this review with that sentence. She is awful, awful, awful! 

We really enjoyed this one, but definitely can't wait to see if these two get their real, forever HEA in book three! 

Shelley: 4 Stars
Courtney: 4 Stars

About the Author
S.L. Scott has a degree in Journalism and is the author of Amazon bestseller, A Prior Engagement, her debut novel, Naturally, Charlie, and several novellas, including Amazon best seller, Sleeping with Mr. Sexy, and Morning Glory—all currently available on Amazon. Pursuing her passion for telling stories, she spends her days escaping into her characters, letting them lead her on their adventures. She is a Contributor to Huffington Post as well as writes for her own blog along with several other popular sites.
Travelling, music festivals, and surfing are a few of her hobbies she loves, but she doesn’t get to enjoy on a regular basis. She has an obsession with movies, a varied taste in books, and collects Fitz & Floyd teapots. With a memory full of useless trivia facts, and a Keurig addiction, she loves a fun night in with her family as much as a loud night out with her friends.
Scott lives in the lively city of Austin with her husband, two young sons, and two Papillons, enjoying life in the beautiful hill country of Texas.

Social media links:
Twitter: @slscottauthor;
Huffington Post Contributor Page:

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