Thursday, October 10, 2013


They fell in love in high school and found their way back to one another despite the odds. But can first loves really be forever? For Reed Johnson, the dream was always football. But then Nolan Lennox took over his heart. Is he willing to give up his first love just to keep his true love? Or will he be too late? 

Reed and Nolan’s story continues in "Going Long," sequel to "Waiting on the Sidelines."

Published September 25, 2013
eArc received from author for honest review

Where to find Going Long:
Goodreads | Amazon | Kobo

Our 5 Star Review of Waiting on the Sidelines (Book 1)

~Our Review~

If you haven't read Waiting on the Sidelines you MUST. Then you absolutely MUST download Going Long and then don't make any plans for hours. Also--you may need kleenex, some hard liquor, and padded walls for when you really want to throw your reading device. Just sayin'.

Dude...all of the above is soooooooo true! I was so nervous to start this book, because after the hardcore angst that was book one...I was not mentally prepared at all

I absolutely LOVED, Loved to hate, Hated, and LOVED Ginger Scott for the duration of my day today (see our twitter feed for proof of this). She completely sucked me into this novel and then proceeded to puncture holes in my heart until I was bleeding out....then she eased off... began to stab me some more...then finally when I seriously thought I couldn't take it another second, she let me breathe. Mind you, at first, the breathing was slightly painful but by the last 50 pages I can vow that I was almost pain-free and actually breathing normally by the time I got to the end point. WHEW! The ending was actually perfect for these two characters and if I thought there was a chance in hell I could convince Ginger Scott to write more about these two, I would do it in a heart beat. But, since I'm fairly certain that won't happen...the ending really is perfect for Reed and Nolan.

OMG! I know. She is so amazingly thoughtful to respond to our insanity, at all...but the encouraging "hang in there's" were much needed. I didn't help Shelley build any blog posts at all the night I was reading it because I had to finish it before I did anything else! I did literally nothing else...well some dishes...but my kindle was permanently attached to my hand because the dishwasher was coming to my rescue. It was a seriously heart wrenching roller coaster ride from start to finish! And I really expected nothing less! 

I refuse to spoil this (see Courtney's texts begging for information) because I want everyone to have the full Going Long experience. But I know you are curious about this story so here's what I will tell you---

I loved that Reed had a voice in this story. There were so many times in Waiting on the Sidelines I really wanted to know what he was thinking or what the motivation behind his actions was, or what he was doing while Nolan was freaking out. In this story we did not have to guess...we knew. And while there were times when his stubborn maleness or his reasoning was frustrating, I am so glad I got to read his thoughts. It truly endeared me to him. He is such a good guy....GAH!...really a good good guy. He adores Nolan...just adores her. He loves her and wants to do right by her and is willing to do anything to make her happy. This desire to please her may even put his hopes to be drafted in the NFL on hold if she's unwilling to go with the changes that will undoubtedly will come if he is drafted. What a hard position to be in!

I know! I'm glad a few years have passed again, because the right out of highschool Reed I don't think would have been quite so thoughtful in his future planning and decision making. BUT since we now know what the dude was thinking, we find out from page one that he is doing whatever he can this time around to keep her firmly beside him. I LOVE Reed also, because he's hot, and I never really wanted to give up on the guy the first time around. But I'll be damned if he didn't make that a challenging feat. I had serious doubts when Ginger said that I should like Reed a lot more this time around...but did I ever! And Nolan became the one that made me was to throw my kindle and roll around on the ground in a tantrum like a child. Soooo frustrating! lol! 

Nolan was a surprise for me in this book. She has been so strong and true in Waiting on the Sidelines and within the first 10% of this novel we began to see her falter. In some ways it was not surprising--no one can be so perfect and steadfast all of the time but in some ways the depths of her fall and despair were heart-wrenching. She just struggles and suffers and the things that are important to her take a major hit because of it. If only our book girls and boys would learn how to communicate and not feel the need to take on ALL of the EVERYTHING all by themselves...but then we wouldn't have these great stories, right? 

Events in book one totally direct her decisions in this book...and it was absolutely killer to experience the train wreck that was coming. Communication was lacking, incredibly so, you're correct...and while that makes for an interesting story because each person wanted to protect and do what they thought was right for the makes me flipping crazy!!! Nolan makes a lot of bad decisions that lead her down a slippery slope, but I was screaming at my book for Reed to save her. Save her and love her and protect her, damn it, I said. But no. It isn't that easy, unfortunately and it broke my heart for her. 

Thank goodness for Sarah, Sienna, and Buck. These 3 are the voice of reason and common sense to Reed and Nolan. Meanwhile at various points Millie, Jason, Dylan, Jenny, and Gavin can take a flying leap off the Empire State building and never return to my fictional world, ever again. HMPH.

Ditto ladybug! Ditto! I loved the friendships, the heartache, the wake up and smell the roses come to Jesus meetings with Sarah and Sienna. Thank goodness she had her girls to help her get through the hard stuff...and when all hope is'll desperately want to know if Reed steps up and proves he is the man we all know he is! You want. to. know! Promise! 

I enjoyed every high and every low in this novel. Please go read it. And then share your love of it with everyone you know. Ginger Scott needs to be shared--she's too good to slip by the wayside. I cannot wait to read the next thing she releases!!! Ditto again! We have no greater joy than to enjoy fantastic books and self published ones at that, so when I see it in a store someday I can yell with glee and have people look at me like I should be on that people of Walmart website! :) 

Shelley: 5 Stars

Courtney: 5 Stars

~About the Author~

Ginger Scott is a writer and journalist from Peoria, Arizona. Her book, "Waiting on the Sidelines," is a coming-of-age love story that explores the real heartbreak we all feel as we become adults throughout our high school years. The story follows two characters, Nolan (a Tomboy with a baseball player's name) and Reed (the quarterback she wishes would notice her) as they struggle with peer-pressure, underage drinking, bullying and finding a balance between what your heart wants and what society says you should want -- even if you aren't ready. You can read her book now in Amazon's kindle store. 

Scott has been writing and editing for newspapers, magazines and blogs for more than 15 years. She has told the stories of Olympians, politicians, actors, scientists, cowboys, criminals and towns. 

For more on her and her work, visit her website at

Also find her at:

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